Helping you reach your potential

Our world-class chiropractic coaching program


Willow coaching is second to none

We have developed the most comprehensive coaching program in the entire chiropractic profession, and we promise to help you become the best Chiropractor you can be. Our 2022 coaching and events calendar is here.

Professional development

Your success is not left to chance

We designed our coaching program so that you can shine. Our top-tier coaches share their passion for chiropractic with you, giving you on-demand access to a wealth of knowledge and wisdom gleaned from decades of hands-on mentoring experience. This includes:

  • Action steps for creating the ideal patient journey
  • Scripts and procedures that guarantee your practice growth
  • The “why” behind those procedures, so you understand what motivates your patients
  • Efficient systems that allow you to focus on what truly matters - your patients
  • Technical certainty
  • A deeper understanding of chiropractic philosophy
  • Weekly coaching calls and monthly coaching workshops in our dedicated training centre
  • Attendance at ChiroEurope, Europe’s premier chiropractic event

“If I wasn’t at Willow, I wouldn’t be the person I am, and I wouldn’t be the Chiropractor I am. They’ve helped me massively – not just professionally but also personally. Their coaching is a lot more than working on a technique or tweaking things for a consultation. It goes a lot deeper than that. It’s more about removing the barriers that stop us from being the person and the chiropractor we want to be.” 

Dr Dane Jacks, Little Stoke Clinic

Personal development

Professional development is only half of the story.

Our coaches are trained to help you recognise and remove inner stumbling blocks that stand in the way of your progress. We use simple techniques and practices to gently guide you in the direction of a happier life with more success, purpose and balance. This includes:

  • Meditation training.
  • Setting intentions for practice success.
  • Goal setting for all areas of life.
  • Learning to overcome the fears that all chiropractors experience.
  • Participation in “Vital Experience” weekends.
parallax background

The coaching I received at Willow was transformative

University taught basic questioning skills, but Willow's program delved deeper into patient connection, communication, and realistic healing time frames.

It shifted my perspective from a pain-only approach to a lifestyle wellness care model, highlighting the true benefits of Chiropractic care.



Daniel Harragin  (Yate)


Graduate training program

All new graduates join our Graduate Training Program.

This fast-track to success is the best preparation for starting your new career that you will find. We teach you how to apply your academic knowledge to real-world situations, allowing you to practice with competence and confidence. Learnings include:

  • Holding an engaging health talk.
  • Carrying out a safe consult.
  • The framework for a fantastic ROF.
  • Performing re-exams with purpose.
  • Getting a steady flow of referrals.
  • Establishing yourself as a health authority in your community.
  • Effective and authentic patient communication.
  • Chiropractic philosophy.

Beyond training

A high-performing healing community in balance

Read about the purpose, financial success, security, freedom, and fundamental quality of life that a career with our team brings.

Meet our coaching team


Co-Founder and Chief Executive

In 2010, after chiropractic saved his brother’s life, Matt left the corporate world and established Willow - the most successful chiropractic team in Europe.

In addition to his leadership of the company, Matt plays an active role in the coaching and personal development journey of every team member. He is an expert in helping Chiropractors uncover their purpose and fulfil their true potential.

Matt’s core purpose is empowering people to succeed by connecting them with their passion; providing the support they need to become the best they can be.


Co-Founder and Clinical Lead

John’s extensive experience with outdoor pursuits made him determined to learn more about optimising body function, health and performance. He studied the Alexander Technique and organised one of the most successful teacher training programs in Europe before completing a Master of Chiropractic and co-founding Willow in 2010.

John is passionate about enhancing people’s wellbeing through coaching Chiropractors to perform at their best and spreading the message that regular chiropractic care has incredible benefits. He runs Willow’s Graduate Training Program and supports the wider team with regular group coaching sessions to improve service, communication and success.

We’d love to hear from you.
Reach out for a casual and confidential chat.