Think back to when chiropractic first started around 1895. It's hard to imagine how challenging things must have been back then.
The profession was just beginning, and people were still trying to figure out what it was and what set it apart from the rest. Things were very different when the first Chiropractors were being trained to go out into the world to adjust people. There was no internet, no marketing departments, and no such thing as social media. The internet was still nearly a hundred years away!
Even though they faced many setbacks, the profession just continued to grow and grow. It is these early pioneers who are responsible for the profession's survival and eventual success. It is because of those early Chiropractors that we are where we are today.
But, how did they manage it?
What exactly did they do? What did they say to their patients to convince them to give the new profession of chiropractic a try?
In his famous TED Talk, Simon Sinek stated, "People don't buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it." If you haven't already watched this, then we highly recommend that you do. He goes on to enlighten us about how to communicate and about what people are really drawn to. In his talk, he gives us examples of people who have done amazing things because they have a clear and strong 'Why'.
According to history, this was one of the most important things that Chiropractors did back in the day. They started with the big 'Why'. Their desire was to become Chiropractors and to get the word out there. This desire was so strong that they simply put themselves in front of people. They were eager to spread their message and assist others; they didn't let any small fears stop them. That's the first reason.
The second reason is that once they were in front of people, they primarily did two things.
- They told the chiropractic story
- They adjusted what they found (what they call subluxations)
One of the reasons we think Health Talks are so important is because you get to tell the chiropractic story to people who have never heard it. This is your chance to introduce people to a new way of looking at their health.
I had a patient who came in for his regular monthly adjustment, and he announced that he was about to embark on a 12-month round-the-world trip. He had it planned for years and had decided that if he didn't go now, he'd never go. He was prepared and ready to go; maps and tickets were purchased and his bags were nearly packed. He was practically ready to get on the plane to his first stop: Argentina. Then, he said something interesting. He said he was going to find a Chiropractor in each of the cities he travelled to. We had a good conversation about it and I gave him a few contacts to reach out to and that was it.
Looking back, like many people when they first start in care, he was pretty ignorant about how to really look about himself. My motto has always been - "If people knew what you knew, they'd do what you do." So, from day one, I set about explaining as much as possible about chiropractic. This started from the minute I met him and continued throughout his care.
But, the biggest opportunity was during the health talks. After attending his health talk, he came up to me and said, "Why didn't someone tell me about this sooner?!"
That's why we believe that the health talk is the single, most important visit for all of our patients. It is where the patient paradigm changes start and their mindset starts to shift.
If you have a great product, and chiropractic really is a fantastic product, then you need to get in front of people and tell them the chiropractic story. They need to know they are getting gold for the price of silver.
A health talk is a public declaration of your values; it demonstrates your personal belief and passion in chiropractic. It shows that you are an expert, and this massively build authority. Once people hear your 'Why', it is the best referral tool there is.
So, if you are thinking of doing health talks, but you aren't really sure about it, our advice would be to make it your number one priority. Nothing else connects you with people, or inspires them, as much as a great presentation.
It’s your chance to share your passion for what you do.
Live it, Love it, Teach it
- John Gil